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The proposed project is for the expansion of the existing two lane rural roadway, SH 349, to four lane divided status. An environmental assessment of the project was performed by the TXDOT-Odessa District for the first two segments (Midland to Patricia), with the third (Patricia to Lamesa) performed by the TXDOT-Lubbock District. A FONSI (finding of no significant impact) was provided by the Federal Highway Administration to give clearance for further work on this project.

Click here to see project estimates.

In addition, the TXDOT- Odessa District has also asked that we consider expansion of the project as four lane undivided roadway, to alleviate the need to acquire any additional right-of-way for the project.

The attached project estimate data details the cost of expansion of this highway to Super 2 (addition of passing lane), four lane undivided highway, and four lane divided highway. It is important to note that in all these scenarios, approximately $30.4 million of the cost, is associated with rehabilitation of the existing lanes.

Click here to see a pdf detailing the typical cross sections for the different scenarios.

Click on Links for:

Initial Stakeholders Meeting Documents
Environmental Assessment
FHWA Finding of No Significant Impact

Click here to see why we need to fix 349.